Jumat, 15 Maret 2013



Nuri     : “ Hi Sari..! ”
Sari     : “ Hi Nuri..!"
Nuri     : “ Sari, how about the Mathematic test yesterday? “
Sari     : “ Hhh, it was so difficult! ”
Nuri     : “ How about your score? “
Sari     : “ I got 60! “
Nuri     : “ Really? That was impossible! “
Sari     : “ Mr.Rooney said that he had made the different
             questions for the test. Did you take the Mathematic
             test? “
Nuri     : “ No, I didn’t. I was sick yesterday. “
Sari     : “ When are you going to take the test with Mr.Rooney? “
Nuri     : “ Today, after finishing take a rest. “
Sari     : “ By the way, Mrs.Nancy tells me that tomorrow we will
             get the English test. “
Nuri     : “ Are you sure? I don’t know about it. ”
Sari     : “ Yeah, Mrs.Nancy told me this morning.”
Nuri     : “ Have you been ready? “
Sari     : “ No, I haven’t. And you? “
Nuri     : “ Of course not! I knew that just now! “
Sari     : “ Sorry Nuri. By the way, good luck for your Math
             test. “
Nuri     : “ It’s ok Sari. Thanks. “

Created by Nurilita Wiguna from 1EA28
Universitas Gunadarma

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