
Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Tulisan Noun Clause


1.    A noun clause is used :

a. After verbs of mental state, such as believe, feel, know, pretend, show, complain, find out, learn, realize, suppose, decide, forget, regret, think, dream, hope, remember, understand, and expect.
 Ex  :  I believe that all people are good.

b.  To include a question in a statement.
Ex  :  I don’t know what he does.

c.   To report what someone has said or asked.
Ex  :  He asked me what he should take to Surabaya.

d.   A noun clause can not stand without main clause. So, a noun clause needs the main clause (usually in the first part) to be a sentence.

2.  Begin with wh words:
The formula is :
Question ?, Main clause (S+V) + Noun Clause (wh words + S + V)

Example :
Main clause
Noun Clause
What did he do?
I don’t know
what he did.
Whose house is that?
I don’t know
whose house that is.

a.    What did he say?            I don’t know what he said.
b.    Whouse house is that?    I don’t know whose house is that.

3.   Begin with Yes – No Questions:

When a yes/no questions is changed to a noun clause, Whether of If is used to introduced the clause. Whether is more acceptable in formal English, but If is quite commonly used, especially in speaking.

The formula is:
Question ? , Main clause (S + V) + Noun Clause (if / whether + S + V)

Example         :
Main clause
Noun Clause
Will it rain?
I wonder
whether it will rain.
Does he bring the map?
I don’t know
if he brings the map.

a.    Will it rain?                                       I wonder whether it will rain.
b.    Does he bring the map?                  I don’t know if he brings the map.

4.    With prepositions:
The formula is :
Question (with preposition) , Main clause + Noun clause (wh word + V + O)

Example         :
Main clause
Noun Clause
Whose bag is on the chair?
I don’t know
whose bag is on the chair.
Why the book is under the table?
I don’t know
why the book is under the table.

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